Thursday, March 29, 2012

When I first read, "You MUST make an argument" by my college professor, I just started grinning.  What could possible be better to argue than Texas' new abortion laws. 

As of October 1, 2011, Texas has enacted a state law titled, "Women's Right To Know Act."  According to Planned Parenthood, "it requires physicians to give women seeking abortions state-mandated information about medical risks, adoption alternatives, and developmental stages of the fetus.

Even better, in a Wall Street Journal Blog by Nathan Koppel, Rick Perry is quoted saying, "Every life lost to abortion is a tragedy, and today's ruling is a great disappointment to all Texans who stand in defense of life."  Of coarse, that quote was said back in August, months before the law was passed. 

So while Governor Rick Perry may be satisfied, me, and several other Texans, are not.

I will start my argument by being brutally honest and stating obviously the worst case scenario.  In the event of me being brutally raped and impregnated, the government is now going to require me to learn all about the risk factors and developmental stages of my rape baby, in attempt to persuade my decision.  A baby that nobody in their right mind would want to have or even have to raise for the rest of their life.  A baby that is simply an everyday reminder of the worst day of your life.

Also, according to the Declaration of Independence, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." I don't think "pursuit of happiness", includes telling me risks, alternative options, and developmental stages; information that was enacted to persuade people to change their minds. If I choose to make that decision on my own, then chances are, I have a valid reason to go through with it. 

Rather than me being persuaded to do something that will not only ruin my life (as far as finishing school, getting a high paying job, being able to support myself without the help of my parents), but
now I am also ruining another life by not being able to give the baby the life they deserve. 

The new law is simply not considerate of the peoples best interest.  The government does not know everyone's family (at home) situations. If I am not ready to be a mother and not ready to live on my own, then it is not the government's job to persuade my decision.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

In a Texas blog written by Harold Cook titled Letters from Texas, Cook writes a blog about the continuous downfall of the GOP reputation

From the context and humor in the post it is evident that Cook wrote the blog with intentions of making a mockery of the GOP.  But then again, from Cook, we should expect this behavior in posts.  His 'about me' reads, "Letters from Texas is a humorous look at politics and current events, as seen through the eyes of a progressive Texan in a bad mood." 

Cook writes that the Republicans are looking worse than ever.  The recent Super Tuesday was supposed to focus on Ohio, which it did.  Romney won, but again, it was not a pretty win.  Cook is right, Republicans appear to be unorganized and inevitably this will hurt their chances in November.  However, Cook fails to supports his assertions with any substantial evidence.  He simply just states the obvious, or more so, his own opinion. 

Most importantly, having a humor related blog can be challenging unless you have a natural tendency to express your humor successfully through writing.  Cook does this perfectly! His last assertion proving Republican downfall is a very well written stab at Sarah Palin.  I have to give him credit, I did not expect for her potential joining in the presidential campaign to be the embedded link.  He built the suspense and kept me interested to find out what could possibly be 'solution'.