Wednesday, March 7, 2012

In a Texas blog written by Harold Cook titled Letters from Texas, Cook writes a blog about the continuous downfall of the GOP reputation

From the context and humor in the post it is evident that Cook wrote the blog with intentions of making a mockery of the GOP.  But then again, from Cook, we should expect this behavior in posts.  His 'about me' reads, "Letters from Texas is a humorous look at politics and current events, as seen through the eyes of a progressive Texan in a bad mood." 

Cook writes that the Republicans are looking worse than ever.  The recent Super Tuesday was supposed to focus on Ohio, which it did.  Romney won, but again, it was not a pretty win.  Cook is right, Republicans appear to be unorganized and inevitably this will hurt their chances in November.  However, Cook fails to supports his assertions with any substantial evidence.  He simply just states the obvious, or more so, his own opinion. 

Most importantly, having a humor related blog can be challenging unless you have a natural tendency to express your humor successfully through writing.  Cook does this perfectly! His last assertion proving Republican downfall is a very well written stab at Sarah Palin.  I have to give him credit, I did not expect for her potential joining in the presidential campaign to be the embedded link.  He built the suspense and kept me interested to find out what could possibly be 'solution'.

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