Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In the Austin Statesman, the Editorial Board created an editorial on, "What to do with Perry's funraising leftovers?" In the article, the author/author's seem to direct their opinion directly to the governor himself. 

Apparently, Governor Rick Perry plans to spend his 270,000 dollars in leftovers and create a "Political Action Committee", or a better known Super PAC.  The writer knows this because Perry has already asked the Federal Election Commission if he may spend his money that way, and the Commission has allowed this before so the writer seems certain they will allow it again. 

However, the writer obviously has a problem with another super PAC being created because they propose that Governor Perry spend his money in a more efficient way; giving to charity.  The writer is kind enough to list a couple charities that are always open to donations; for example, Texas State Parks are in dire need of help to restore their land and bring back tourists after a dry year that was ravaged by wildfires. 

The writer takes a harsh stand against Perry's selfish decisions.  The article does appear to have an abundance of humor towards Perry, but I must say, I agree.  Perry is too concerned about how to prepare for his next governor's election, instead of focusing on how he plans to recover from his embarrassing presidental race.  If anything, giving back to the community could potentially gain him some respect, resulting in future votes.  I think the writer and I can both agree on one thing, leave it to Governor Perry to only worry about himself.

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